Supreme CBD
Supreme CBD Full Spectrum Oil - 1000mg - 24,000mg
If you want to experience the positive effects of CBD and are looking for a high-quality, organic full-spectrum CBD oil then try our Supreme CBD Oil 30ML. Supreme CBD’s CBD Oil provides a healthy dose of CBD allowing you to experience all the positive effects to both the mind and body.
The Supreme CBD Oil is suitable for beginner to intermediate users of CBD products. Our CBD Oil is extracted using a specialist CO2 process – the gold standard in extraction - that has been developed to isolate and remove any unwanted compounds, while creating the maximum potency level of phytocannabinoids. Cutting-edge technology is employed to ensure a full-spectrum oil, that includes both high levels of CBD, cannabinoids and terpenes and preserves the highest levels of purity across the compounds. They include components including phytocannabinoids, flavonoids and terpenes. Full-spectrum CBD oil allows you to experience all the positive effects of the whole hemp plant.
These full-spectrum CBD components are easy to use even on a day to day basis. Our hemp-based phytocannabinoids offer an organic, non-GMO formulation with no chemical solvents. Containing a low (0.2%) THC content along with a large dose of phytocannabinoids adds to the entourage effect. The entourage effect occurs when the many components in the hemp plant interact with the human body to provide a stronger influence than the components alone, providing more effective results.
The THC concentration in our full-spectrum CBD oil is 0.14%, which is legal with regards to the regulatory standard. This means that it is 100% legal and safe for use in the EU and the United Kingdom. Also, because there are only trace amounts of THC inside the oil, it has no psychoactive effects on the body, so you can experience all the positive effects of the cannabinoids and the hemp plant without the dizzying ‘high’. This also means you can use our CBD Oil and go about your day as normal.